Audi Car Production By Model : 1990-99

A 1991 Audi 80 looking very smart
Back in the 1990's, Audi didn't have anything like the range of cars it has now. It was less complicated time, with the range based a round cars, wagons and sports cars. The data below is from the VW Group who are very open with basic production figures. So on to the range:

A4/80/90: It is a compact executive car. The 80 model came as saloon car, a wagon, coupe and convertible. The Audi 90 was an upmarket version of the 80. Then around 1995 it became the A4, which it is still called. It had 75% of the total Audi brand sales in 1990, but with new models coming in, it was down to 40% by 1999.

A6/100/200: The regular sized executive car started the 90's as the 100 model. Again the upmarket version was the 200. Like the 80 model, the name changed to A6. Production volume was good with some variance.

A3: The small hatchback to get Audi back into smaller cars was this one. This model didn't directly replace any other, although it did partially the discontinued Audi 50 in 1988, which was smaller. This helped lift Audi through the decade to another level of volume.

TT: This small sports car comes as a coupe and convertible and is assembled in Hungary. It has been a popular halo model for the marque.

A 1999 Audi TT. Distinctive looking if not attractive

A8/V8: As a luxury executive car, it is the flagship of the Audi range which started life named as the V8 model in 1988. It was soon the A8 to fit in with Audis change of nomenclature. The production numbers have been modest.

The figures below are in hundreds of units.













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