Car Sales Philippines: 2011

The local car market is heavily protected by import duties. For the size of the population, sales are modest, due to low incomes for many. If commercial vehicle sales were taken out, personal car sales would be very low. Some brands such as Land Rover and Jaguar are sold but the importer does not release sales figures. Such secrecy is so last century, and not proactive.

1 Toyota 54,600 -4%
2 Mitsubishi 32,600 -5%
3 Hyundai 20,300 1%
4 Ford-Mazda 12,900 96%
5 Honda 11,600 -30%
6 Isuzu 9,800 -8%
7 Nissan 8,200 -5%
8 Kia 4,800 -14%
9 Suzuki 4,000 6%
10 GM 2,800 52%
11 Chrys-Merc 1,000 10%
12 BMW 800 19%
13 Hino 500 -39%
14 Audi 450 -2%
15 Volvo 250 -4%
16 JMC 160 -2%
17 MINI 135 0%
18 Man 120 -18%
19 Niss UD 80 636%
Total 165,056 4% decease.

Local importers association CAMPI doesn't do press releases with such data. They should do much better.

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