The Audi Range

Above are the Audi models A1, 3, 6 and 8. To me these cars are as dull as car design gets. They all look much the same. Of course, a car maker should have a theme that ties the brand together. Audi has that gaping grille, unattractive in its own right. However, to then have them all much the same shape, only different sizes, defies logic. To make matters worse, people are buying them in large numbers.

I must be missing something. I have the photos of the above range stuck to the ceiling of my bedroom, then whenever I am having trouble sleeping I put the light on and look up. Next minute zzzzz. It works a treat. 

Audis have nice interiors but surely exterior style counts for something too. Perhaps one day Audi NZ will arrange a drive in one for me to convince me they are worth buying. 

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